Prism photography is an innovative way to add creative flair to your images. It allows you to experiment with light and color for unique photographic effects.

A prism bends light into a rainbow spectrum. When used in photography, it can create colorful distortions and reflections. Prism photography elevates ordinary images into works of art.

Prisms introduce vibrant effects as you adjust angles and positions. Each image gains individuality from the interplay of prism, light and camera position. Photography becomes an expressive art form when you incorporate creative techniques like prisms.

Heart and imagination matter just as much as camera settings. Convey your vision through inventive approaches, not just aiming the lens. Prisms add magical touches without digital editing. You don’t need expensive gear, just a camera, prism and creativity.

What Is Prism Photography?

A photography prism is a triangular glass object that separates light into a spectrum of colors. Prism photography utilizes prisms to create colorful distortions and rainbow effects. The prism acts as a filter, refracting light before it enters the camera lens. This results in psychedelic, abstract images.

With just a camera and household prism, you can achieve unique photographic artistry. Prism photography is accessible and fun!

How to Use Prisms Creatively

For controlled results, use aperture priority mode. A wider aperture keeps the prism blurry and focused on the subject. Remove lens hoods so the prism can be positioned closer.

Twist and turn the prism while adjusting settings. Discover reflections, distortions and light leaks. Shadow depth of field lenses excel at prism photography, increasing light flow for blurred backgrounds.

Find good light sources and try different angles with the prism. Identify a strong focal point and enhance it through lighting and blurring. Follow the rule of thirds for balanced compositions. For portraits, 50mm+ lenses highlight features with prism reflections.

Start with a basic prism to grasp the technique. Adjust positions of yourself, subject, prism and light until you achieve the desired artistic effect.

Creative Prism Techniques


Autofocus on subject, then switch to manual mode to lock focus while moving the prism.

Rainbow Effect

Angle prism edges toward camera and rotate to cast rainbows on subject.

Corner Prism

Place prism at corner of lens and twist slightly to highlight subject with light.

Soften Backgrounds

Use rainbow and blurring effects to diminish unsightly backgrounds behind subjects.

Kaleidoscope Effect

Cover lens with prism flat side and subtly shift prism to create optical illusions.

Creative Photo Effects with Prisms

Light trails: Use long exposures and prism movements for blurred, trailing lights.

Motion blur: Move camera repeatedly during exposure for abstract, colorful streaks.

Burst mode: Capture action with prism effects using continuous shooting.

Shaped bokeh: Cut a stencil for your lens to create custom bokeh shapes.

Levitation: Photograph jumping subjects with rainbow-blurred background.

Fractal Prism Filters

Fractal filters mimic prism effects in fixed glass lenses. The Pascal, Penrose and Julia filters create kaleidoscope, bokeh and double exposure looks.

Kaleidoscope Effect

Creates mirrored, symmetrical patterns. Use with wide-angle lens.

Bokeh Effect

Blurs background into pleasant colorful circles around subject.

Double Exposure

Superimposes two exposures into one frame.

Using Fractal Filters

Use 40-100mm lens at f4 aperture. Center subject within filter. Frame without filter edges. Adjust angles for varied effects. Fractal filters inspire creativity!


Photography requires practice and learning. Prism photography provides a fun way to add artistic flair. Experiment with light and color using prisms or fractal filters to enhance your images. Tap into your creativity! Prisms open up new possibilities for photographic expression.